18.12.2010 - The 3rd day i came back to Sabah. Since then it's also the 3rd time I took part in PCS TGP Youth Ministry's caroling around Kudat. But my first carol ministry this year took part in Kuching together with SIB Olive Garden Tertiary Youth Ministry. There are a lot of different between the way SIBOG and PCS TGP Youth Ministry in celebrating caroling but it doesn't really matter as our main mission in caroling are all the same - to remind that Jesus was born 2000+ years, died on the cross and rose again on the 3rd day just to save all of us from sins. Not just that but we also carol because we want to celebrate Christmas in a joyful situation/manner/condition.
Back to the topic, I'm really happy to have the chance to celebrate PCS TGP Youth Ministry Caroling although I am 3 days late. I'm happy because I can see my church members who are not really active back then but now, they are really active in the ministry. I'm also quite surprised to see many involvement from young youth (tertiary). Some i know but some others I don't know. It is like they are the new newborn youth born from PCS. I pray that the bond which are newly formed will continue and the bond will become strong from time to time.
When I look at the other corner, the way caroling made by my church (PCS) train the youth from a lot of aspects. For example today when we carol at Mr M's home, there are tertiary who are being told to pray for the food. Hmm, the prayer that he made a lil bit funny but it doesn't matter as he is brave enough to pray. Hmm, when i think back, I'm also like him.. Not brave enough to pray in front of everyone - I have speech problems, my words suddenly cut down, etc. I salute him for his bravery.
The incident that happen today also make me somehow worry. There are church member who are being bite/stung by centipede. Waa.. I do respect this girl - being stung 3 times by the same centipede but she didn't even tears. Thank God shes well after being rubbed with 'minyak batu'. But then it is still swelling bha.. Hehehe. .Go girl!
Well, until then.
Barns J.
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